
Friday, 4 September 2015

Kau rasa bagus ke?

Kau ambil gambar seorang gadis yang rambutnnya terkeluar dari tudungnya
Kau siarkan gambar tersebut dan lemparkan cacian kepadanya
Rakan-rakan kau turut serta dan turut membesarkan isu ini
Rakan-rakan kau pula puji kau seolah-olah kau si adiwira dalam novel

Kau ambil gambar jejaka yang mempunyai ukiran di belakangnya
Kau sebarkannya ke pengikut kau
Mereka turut serta menyerangnya
Mereka memuji kau seolah-olah kau telah berkhidmat kepada masyarakat

Kau nampak gambar bayi bermata satu
Kau sebarkan kepada semua orang
Mereka turut serta mengutuknya dan memanggilnya Dajjal
Mereka bertanya adakah dunia akan kiamat

Aku cuma mahu bertanya satu soalan
Mungkin empat
Mungkin ada lagi

Bila kau buat ni, kau rasa bagus ke?
Bila kau buat ni, kau lebih baik daripada semua?
Bila kau buat ni, rakan-rakan kau ingat kau bijak?
Bila kau buat ni, kau manusia baik ke?

Kau rasa bijak sekarang, mohon jawab
Kau mahu serang aku dan rendahkan aku?
Kau rasa perlu untuk kau dedahkan kelemahan aku?
Kerana aku rasa kau sudah melampau.


People say respect must be earned. It's true.
People say that the younger generations must respect the older generation, that is true as well.

However respect is a two-way thing. I don't believe the crap that the elders must be respected and the youngs must be loved. No, bitch! That ain't how I jive. Both generations must love and respect each other. How do you expect the younger generation to respect the elders when the elders fail to show respect to the youngs as well?

Yes, the young ones must show respect first but the elders must show it later as well.
Stop treating the young ones like kids cause they will never grow up if you do.

But that's not really what I want to talk about. I want to talk about respecting one's opinions and choices.

Respect the opinions of the person even though you don't agree with them.
As long as their opinions do not condone any violence or insult anything or disrupt peace on earth, just let it slide.
You can choose not to believe in peaceful rally or demonstration but respect the ones who believe in it.
If you disagree, do it in an academic way, ie: give reasons on why you don't think the way they do.
Don't go around making personal attacks on them. That's just juvenile.

Respect the boundaries that people set for themselves.
Allow them to stand their grounds when it matters to them.
If a girl refused to go out with you for certain reasons, listen to her explanation.
Don't just beg her until she relents.

Respect the person's choices as long as they're not detrimental.
If they choose to seek professional help, don't talk them out of it.
They might sense something might be wrong in them.
If they choose to wear a colour that they're comfortable with, let them.
You're not shoes. Why the hell should you run their life?

Respect the person's words and listen to them fully.
Don't just jump into conclusions without the full details.
Respect the reasons behind their words.
Respect the tears that they shed and the laugh that they burst.

Respect every yes you get. Respect every no and maybe you get as well.
Don't go on begging and begging until you lose it all.

Usah mengadu anak muda kehilangan adab jika kamu sendiri biadap
Usah mengadu gadis hilang kehormatan jika kamu sendiri tidak hormati mereka
Usah mengadu anak muda kehilangan harga diri jika kamu sendiri yang merendahkan mereka
Usah mengadu gadis asyik termakan pujuk rayu lelaki jika kamu sendiri yang memujuk rayu
Usah mengadu yang si tua tidak peduli jika kamu sendiri tidak pedulikan mereka
Usah mengadu dia melawan jika kamu sendiri yang menggari tangannya
Usah mengadu mereka tidak pandai jika kamu sendiri mengajar benda yang salah
Usah mengadu bila mereka diam jika kamu sendiri yang kunci mulut mereka
Usah mengadu orang lain tidak ada agama jika kamu sendiri tidak berperikemanusiaan

Dalam erti kata lain mengata dulang paku serpih, mengata orang dia yang lebih
Dalam erti kata lain usah gelar cerek itu hitam jika kamu sendiri adalah kuali dan arang
Dalam erti kata lain cermin diri dahulu sebelum menghakimi orang lain
Dalam erti kata lain benarkan mereka hidup dengan kehidupan mereka dan pilihan mereka.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Cause I will be labelled as a cheapskate tradition destroyer part 3 (trendsetter edition)

Yoyoyo fellas! It's been awhile since I update this space. Now it's time for 'Cause I will be labelled as a cheapskate tradition destroyer' series. Part 1 was for the general stuff. Part 2 was for the special Bridezilla edition. Now Part 3 is for the trendsetter edition.

:: This is the part where we throw colorful confettis and play party horns ::

I was blogwalking one day browsing through Facebook and stumbled upon my friend's blog post that he shared on Facebook. His name is Rizal Yaakub and y'all can view his entry here. I really find his post interesting that I'm inspired to write a response post to it. I ain't gonna critic his post. Since he's talking about wedding trends, I figure that some trends are so cliche and why don't I make my own trend. Cool huh?

  1. Bachelorette party
    The key focus of this party is to celebrate freedom (and loss of it). It must consist of the things that the bride-to-be likes. In my case, my party gotta have chocolates, laughter, music, dance and me getting a henna tattoo of a dragon at the back of my lower waist. In fact, everybody's getting a henna tattoo. And it gotta be private as in a small group of 6 to 7 girls getting together and enjoy ourselves as you know single people. And, Adrien Brody movie marathon. And it gotta be in a private place where there's lots of privacy. And at the same time, cheap. Kartika Sari party at my house yo!

  2. Post-wedding photoshoots
    I'm going to borrow someone's DSLR and a super high mega pixel camera phone and let them shoot away. I just have to feed them good food and butt kiss them now and then. PS: Butt kiss means boost their ego by complimenting excessively. Okay. Maybe I'll have to pay for the paper and the printer (and the ink). Dude, I'm slightly old-fashioned.

  3. Anniversary dinners
    It has to be done at home where there's only two of us cause I need an excuse to wear LBD/LWD/L-insertanycolour-D. Cause I wear hijab already, I ain't gonna wear short dresses in public. Ain't nobody got balls for that!

  4. Engagement ceremony/get-together
    This involves me wire-tapping my dad and/or male relatives so that I can hear how they negotiate me cause I'm an interested party. I also can act as an observer to observe the setting. This will only be a low key setting whereby only immediate family members from both sides are to attend. No dulang hantarans yet cause it ain't official yet. It's GST season. Save your money!

  5. Wedding discussion meeting
    Military style background music are to be played at all times. Hey, have you been to a wedding? It sometimes feels like you're in an imaginary unrealistic battlefield cause you're too scared/unsuitable for the real thing. I blame my anxiety.

That's all I guess. I'll put more later if I have the chance.


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Things that people say to hijabis that irritates me

Yes, people. I have now decided to wear the hijab. The feeling? Good cause I've been thinking about it since last year. However, ever since before I don the hijab, people have been saying stuff to hijabis which irritates me to the core and here it is.

Disclaimer: Some of the things here are not really what has been said to a hijabi but what I foresee what they will say to me. And, some don't really apply to hijabis but I just want to bring it here to show how much we never give our girls a break.

  • That girl wears a hijab but she smokes/do any immoral activities
    As much as I agree, hijabis come with a responsibility cause we've got our aurats covered, doesn't mean you can demonize us even more compared to our non-hijabi counterpart cause dude, you're all covered up and you smoke but I never say anything (even though I should)
  • Wear bawal, shawls are weird
    Seriously dude? Shut up! I ain't liking that lollipop coloured pants either but I respect your freedom of expression.
  • Why the hell are they wearing heavy makeup? Au naturel is beautiful
    Well, we are told to conceal our beauty and since you told us that, heavy makeup seems to work in concealing our beauty.
  • Why do you wear a hijab? Are you getting married?
    What? So, I have to get married first in order for me to wear hijab in peace? How nice.
  • You're carrying the name of Islam, you should watch yourself.
    So are the non-hijabis and you.
  • You look scary in that(this doesn't really apply to hijabis only. This basically applies to girls who like to wear bold colours/makeup).
    My plan work... perfectly.
  • Why do you even wear a hijab? It's oppressive.
    Cause it helps me to tone down your oppressive speech.
  • Are you wearing it to attract a guy?
    If I wanna attract a guy, I'll do the bend and snap.
  • You wear hijab and you skateboard/go to rock concerts/party? What will the non-Muslims say?
    They don't care.
  • You can't be a feminist now.
    Really? Just watch me.
  • Look at the hijabis nowadays. They look weird with the way they do their hijab and they look too stylish.
    Ever heard of the term 'freedom of expression'?
  • You can't wear pants when you wear the hijab.
    Ever heard of palazzo and wide legs? By the way, straight cut and bootlegs aren't what you call body-wrapping.
  • That hijabi wears jeans!
    You think skinny jeans and jeggings are the only jean style?????
  • Since you behaved this way, better not wear a hijab at all.
    Since, you're talking this way, better take off all your clothes and go streaking.
  • You should be more modest in your dressing. Stop being so stylish.
    You should stop wearing Ben Shermans and Hugo Boss' perfume.
  • Lucky you. You don't have to spend time and money on your hair.
    For your information, I still buy argan oil for my hair and flat iron it.
  • You wear a hijab and still foul-mouthed?
    You're all covered and still foul-mouthed?

I am not condoning any immoral acts or whatsoever. It just drives me nuts when people you know, are super harsh towards hijabis when they made a mistake. It just drives me nuts. Just because a girl wears a hijab, doesn't mean they have to perfect. Yes, they do carry the name of Islam but so do the non-hijabis and so are the men who don't wear robes and turbans. The reason why a lot of pressure is put on the hijabis and men who wore robes and turbans are because we look at them and bam! We know they're Muslims. We tend to be super harsh on them whenever they screw up which is not fair. Everybody makes mistakes. If they sinned, call out against the sin not relate it to their clothes. It's freaking annoying cause it actually put me off and I was like, "I ain't joining their bandwagon." It's high time that we let our people cover their aurat the way they see fit as long as it fits the basics. By the way, modesty doesn't equal to drabby. You can still be modest and presentable at the same time. Moderation is the key. Take time to change cause it's actually a journey.