I'm not going to post stuff such as "I'm just a normal girl living in a normal world, et cetera"
By the way, my name is Diyana. I was born in the year 1988. And, welcome to Doo Joon-I-Tis.
Why Doo Joon-I-Tis?
I'm a big fan of Yoon Doo Joon from BEAST (as in k-pop or k-poop for those who are not into k-pop). So, I'm trying to be funny and put my love for Doo Joon as a disease. Hence, Doo Joon-I-Tis was born. This blog is not a fansite for Doo Joon and I am in no way associated with Doo Joon (but it would be really cool if I am). This is just a personal blog where I blog about things that is currently in my head. It can be something so general like current issues or something specific like a certain personality or place and stuff or me-centric such as my perspective about stuff and what happened to me or just Blogthing quiz results spam.
So yeah. This is my personal blog. I have another in LJ, but due to the recent DDOS attack especially during election season in Russia, I'll be updating this blog instead.
doing med in russia? wat year? =)
Oh, no. I'm a law student in Malaysia actually. The Russia part is because LiveJournal (LJ) is a very popular blogging service for Russians (it's like their Facebook). Well, let's just say that Russians are very outspoken lots so during election season some troublemakers would how to say do something that makes LJ inaccessible or slow to users (to restrict freedom of speech and opinions, especially politics blogs). It's called DDOS attack and it keeps happening especially during election seasons there.
PS: LJ is from USA but majority of the users are from Russia.
ahh i see..thought u were studying there!
anyway, all the best in ur studies then, law tu~~ hehe =) how more years to go?
I'm currently in my 3rd year (going to be final year on March).
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