
Sunday, 26 February 2012

New layout (?)

So, I just installed a new layout. All the details and credits are at the sidebar. Feel free to visit them.

This layout took me 4 hours to get it right. Not the layout making part. That part is easy. You just open any graphic program like Corel Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop, create a new file, add a new layer, draw a shape (preferably a square or rectangle), adjust the shape here and there (not available for Photoshop though), add some cool graphics and voila! Layout is ready.

The hard part was to code it to this blog. I spent 3 hours learning how to code it from scratch. I couldn't understand XML and my HTML skill is pretty rusty, I gave up.

Then, I stumbled upon Template Designer and found that the template called Simple somehow matches my layout so I decided to cheat. I uploaded my layout background and header. That took almost an hour of resizing and altering. So, I finally did it! Yay!

That wasn't so bad (cause I cheated).

PS: I noticed that the navbar is pretty weird but I decided to leave it like that. I kinda like it.

Changed the navbar colour already.

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