Jason : Aku tengok kau ni lain macam. Tak macam dulu.
Diyana: Aku okay je, bro. Cuma tengah mood swing je. Bukan PMS okay.
Jason : Aku tau. Kau bukannya jenis yang suka guna alasan PMS sebagai lesen untuk kau marah-marah. By the way, aku tau kau ada problem. Bagitau aku jelah.
Diyana: Okay. Camni, aku tak tau kenapa aku asyik marah-marah je. Benda kecik pun aku boleh melenting. Seriously, aku tak tau apa yang terjadi kat diri aku ni.
Jason : Kenapa? Ada yang kau tak puas hati?
Diyana: Banyak kot. Tak tau mana nak start.
Jason : You just start with the one that bothers you most lah.
Diyana: Okay. Basically, aku rasa aku hidup kat dunia ni kena puaskan hati orang lain. I basically have to take into account other people's perception, opinions and thoughts about certain things. You noticed that sometimes I hate or like things because those who are closest to me like or hate them. Whenever I like something that they don't like, I tend to get really pissed off (dalam diam lah). Tapi, most of the times, I was like 'whatever lah, aku bukannya clone kau pun'.
Jason : Alah! Kau ni sensitive sangat. Kau nak buat apa yang kau nak, kau buat je lah. As long as you're not incurring any sins, why not right? Don't get too preoccupied with what others think lah.
Diyana: Easy for you to say. You're a guy. People don't really care what guys do because boys will be boys. As for girls, we have to watch our manners. Sometimes, I feel that I'm not polite enough. I'm not sensitive enough. I'm too freaky. I always feel that I'm under the scrutiny of those people. As in, those older generation. They claimed that they know stuff. That they can see through you. They can prejudge you when they look at you, stuff like that.
Jason : Let me ask you one simple question. Do you ACTUALLY want to be a daughter-in-law to people like that????? Honestly, weih!
Diyana: No way! Tak tahan okay.
Jason : See!!!!! I also don't want okay! It doesn't matter whether their child is such a nice person, good-looking, everything you ever wanted type of person. With parents like those, aku pun tak sanggup! Kau tak patut kisah sangat pasal orang camtu, tak kisah lah tua ke muda. Diorang cuma bystander je dalam hidup kau. Kau fokus kat main characters sudah lah. You said it yourself, caring too much what other people think about you leads to stress, depression, misanthropy, SAD, PD and SD.
Diyana: True.
Jason : If someone acts like that to you konon they know everything about you even if they just met you, just tell them to take ALL of their crap and shove it back to their ass.
Diyana: Kan? Tapi, first impression tu penting tau.
Jason : True, but first impression doesn't say everything about you. You gotta dig deeper before making conclusions. Macam nak cari harta karun. Kau tak boleh nak rely on keadaan tanah je, you have to dig deeper only you can find the treasure. Plus, if you rely on first impression only, will you have friends like you have now?
Diyana: No. I learn that first impression can lie to you.
Jason : See!! Tuhan pun tak judge manusia tau. Dia tunggu sampai hari kiamat baru judge kau ;)
Diyana: Wah! Boleh tahan kau cakap pasal Tuhan :p
Jason : Haha! I have my sources. Don't worry lah. You worry too much lah. You're only 23 and not even running the country.
Diyana: Okay, okay. I understand lah, Jason.
Jason : By the way, aku rasa orang yang suka judge orang ni sebenarnya rugi. Rugi pasal diorang banyak miss benda yang diorang tak tau. Kau jangan jadi macam diorang pulak.
Diyana: Don't worry lah, bro. I won't. Pray for me for backup lah :p
Jason : Yelah yelah. Okay lah, I gotta jet. See ya!!
Thanks a bunch, Jason. I need that :)
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Saturday, 26 November 2011
[Spotlight] Victor Kim/King
I think this is going to be the shortest Spotlight entry in the history of Doo Joon-I-Tis and Chobits Chii. Basically, Spotlight is a section of my blog where I introduce you guys (or re-introduce) to musicians, dancers and media personalities.
Today, the lucky personality is....

Victor Kim aka Victor King!!!! Woot woot!!!!
Victor was born in Sacramento, California. He is a graduate from University of California Irvine holding a Bachelors of Arts in Economics. Victor is most commonly known as one of the dancers in the group which won MTV America's Best Dance Crew (ABDC) season 3, Quest Crew.
Not only he's a dancer. He's also a musician and artist. He also had some collaborations with popular names like Nigahiga, Kevjumba, Cathy Nguyen and Chester See.
So, here are some videos:
This happens to be his latest video with Andy Lange performing Adele's Someone Like You
This clip was featured in Nigahiga's Best Dance Crew video
This was his entry to Just Dance Game contest. I really like this video and find it really cute despite him wearing crazy shorts and crazy wig.'
This is the first video of him that I've watched featuring Cathy Nguyen performing Kina Grannis' Valentine.
So there you have it. Victor Kim aka Victor King.
More Victor:
Official Website
Image by Victor's Facebook Page
Today, the lucky personality is....
Victor Kim aka Victor King!!!! Woot woot!!!!
Victor was born in Sacramento, California. He is a graduate from University of California Irvine holding a Bachelors of Arts in Economics. Victor is most commonly known as one of the dancers in the group which won MTV America's Best Dance Crew (ABDC) season 3, Quest Crew.
Not only he's a dancer. He's also a musician and artist. He also had some collaborations with popular names like Nigahiga, Kevjumba, Cathy Nguyen and Chester See.
So, here are some videos:
This happens to be his latest video with Andy Lange performing Adele's Someone Like You
This clip was featured in Nigahiga's Best Dance Crew video
This was his entry to Just Dance Game contest. I really like this video and find it really cute despite him wearing crazy shorts and crazy wig.'
This is the first video of him that I've watched featuring Cathy Nguyen performing Kina Grannis' Valentine.
So there you have it. Victor Kim aka Victor King.
More Victor:
Official Website
Image by Victor's Facebook Page
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Terfaktab: cinta obsesi
Terfaktab: cinta obsesi: cinta ni kita tak boleh nak paksa paksa. kau ubah lah di kau macam mana pun. tapi, kalau orang dah tak mahu, apa daya engkau lagi? soooo... ...
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Terfaktab: Nafkah Batin
Terfaktab: Nafkah Batin: Assalamualaikum wbt. Dengan rasa rendah diri dan tak malu saya up-kan entri kedua buat minggu ni. Almaklumlah sejak Malaysia menang bola d...
I still remember the time I was in a small town in Lake District, UK. I saw senior couples hold hands together and kiss together. It's really sweet. I think married couples here should do that more often.
I still remember the time I was in a small town in Lake District, UK. I saw senior couples hold hands together and kiss together. It's really sweet. I think married couples here should do that more often.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Weddings, meddings, leddings, jeddings
My parents have received loads of wedding invites lately. Must've been the season to get married huh. Well, we went to my second cousin, Nazree's wedding. His twin Nazreen got married 5 years ago and now it's his turn!!!! Yayness! I'm really happy for him since it's about time for him to get married though I feel that who am I to say that it's about whose time to get married. But, I'm happy for him nevertheless. We're not that close but we met for the first time in my grand-uncle's house(his grandfather) in 2005 and clicked ever since. I still remembered the time he gave some duit raya and I was wondering who was he and how did he know that I have 4 siblings. It turns out that he's my second cousin (yay!) and he likes to bully me (boo!). We were in a rush yesterday so we couldn't meet him and his wife and congratulate them in person, so I'm taking this opportunity to say...
Congratulations on your wedding cousin! May you have a blessed and happy life with you wife (and children) ^_^
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Why we should tell our loved ones that we love them
I've never been in a relationship before. Well, I almost got into a relationship but let's not talk about that. What am I going to talk about in this post is that why we have to confess to someone we love that we love them. This doesn't only apply to crushes, it applies to parents, siblings, child, spouse, relatives and friends (reality and imaginary) (and pets).
Basically, mere mortals like us die. Yeap, we die. When we die, we get buried and questioned by two angels by the name Munkar and Nakir. We ain't fairies or elvens with lifespan of 500 years. We can die anytime, it depends on Allah. So, before we die, we have to make some preparations such as do good deeds and do what Allah tells us to do and avoid what Allah forbids us. Other than that, we have to regularly tell our loved ones that we love them and if we have a crush on someone, tell them. Confess. Confront. It is nerve wrecking, I have to admit. I've been through it. I couldn't even say hi to that dude, let alone smile. All I could do was to admire him from afar. But, I managed to confess to him (and see his epic eye-popping facial expression).
When people die (either us or our loved ones) and we didn't get to tell them how much we love them, we'll feel kinda (okay, very) fucked up. I mean, they died not knowing that we love them, even if they knew they'd still want to hear it from us. In cases where the ones who died are ourselves, they will never know that we love them and will never hear it from ourselves that we love them (unless they peeked into your personal diary/blog). Isn't that sad?
In cases where we have a crush on someone, well... we have to let them know. Why? If we don't let our feelings known, they'll never know. And, they might end up with someone else leaving us fucked up and heartbroken wondering to ourselves why we didn't confess. There IS a possibility that we could happen if we confess. If things don't work out, oh well. Plenty of human beings on Earth. Of course, we will feel dejected and humiliated (and heartbroken) but we'll get over it. Just move on. We are stronger than we think we are.
Yeah, they might freak out and think it's hilarious and told ALL of their friends about it (you know who you are). They might feel uncomfortable after that, they might not talk to us anymore (for a week or two), they might insult us and whatnots. However, some do by weird mechanism like us back. Some do stay friends with us. Plus, when we confess, somehow we feel relieved, as if you've gotten the burden off your chest. When I confessed to a guy (who is now a friend of mine) when I was 14, he had his weird facial expression that I find really cute. The next thing I know was that he told ALL of his friends about it. It was embarrassing okay!!!!! Imagine when you pass by them, they started to tease you (and him). And, when you were in a science lab, one of his friends passed by and saw you and started to call out his name. Man, I feel like killing him (my crush) at that time. Can't he like keep it to himself? It went on for 2 years (thank God age gap).
Oh well. At least, I made some new friends and I can talk to him without blushing or tongue tied. It wasn't really a happy ending. He turned me down (indirectly). I was sad, but hey. That's life.
Then, I had a crush on one of my friends. Then, he got himself a girlfriend and he never knew that I like him. It was heartbreaking to see them together but it's even sadder on the fact that he will never knew. We're still friends and I got over him. I'm genuinely happy for both of them now and I wish them the best. Some of my friends (CG included) were like, "How come you're so slow????" Yeah. Too little too late. Curse my shyness. I was trying to protect our friendship so much that I blew off my chances of ending up with him cause I actually thought that he'd make a good dad for my children, seriously. Oh well. I blew it off so I have to bear the consequences.
So yeah. Having feelings for friends really suck but being friends is actually a stepping stone to a relationship, like CG said.
So, I'm taking this opportunity to say:
Music time:
Song: We Could Happen
Artist: AJ Rafael
Basically, mere mortals like us die. Yeap, we die. When we die, we get buried and questioned by two angels by the name Munkar and Nakir. We ain't fairies or elvens with lifespan of 500 years. We can die anytime, it depends on Allah. So, before we die, we have to make some preparations such as do good deeds and do what Allah tells us to do and avoid what Allah forbids us. Other than that, we have to regularly tell our loved ones that we love them and if we have a crush on someone, tell them. Confess. Confront. It is nerve wrecking, I have to admit. I've been through it. I couldn't even say hi to that dude, let alone smile. All I could do was to admire him from afar. But, I managed to confess to him (and see his epic eye-popping facial expression).
When people die (either us or our loved ones) and we didn't get to tell them how much we love them, we'll feel kinda (okay, very) fucked up. I mean, they died not knowing that we love them, even if they knew they'd still want to hear it from us. In cases where the ones who died are ourselves, they will never know that we love them and will never hear it from ourselves that we love them (unless they peeked into your personal diary/blog). Isn't that sad?
In cases where we have a crush on someone, well... we have to let them know. Why? If we don't let our feelings known, they'll never know. And, they might end up with someone else leaving us fucked up and heartbroken wondering to ourselves why we didn't confess. There IS a possibility that we could happen if we confess. If things don't work out, oh well. Plenty of human beings on Earth. Of course, we will feel dejected and humiliated (and heartbroken) but we'll get over it. Just move on. We are stronger than we think we are.
Yeah, they might freak out and think it's hilarious and told ALL of their friends about it (you know who you are). They might feel uncomfortable after that, they might not talk to us anymore (for a week or two), they might insult us and whatnots. However, some do by weird mechanism like us back. Some do stay friends with us. Plus, when we confess, somehow we feel relieved, as if you've gotten the burden off your chest. When I confessed to a guy (who is now a friend of mine) when I was 14, he had his weird facial expression that I find really cute. The next thing I know was that he told ALL of his friends about it. It was embarrassing okay!!!!! Imagine when you pass by them, they started to tease you (and him). And, when you were in a science lab, one of his friends passed by and saw you and started to call out his name. Man, I feel like killing him (my crush) at that time. Can't he like keep it to himself? It went on for 2 years (thank God age gap).
Oh well. At least, I made some new friends and I can talk to him without blushing or tongue tied. It wasn't really a happy ending. He turned me down (indirectly). I was sad, but hey. That's life.
Then, I had a crush on one of my friends. Then, he got himself a girlfriend and he never knew that I like him. It was heartbreaking to see them together but it's even sadder on the fact that he will never knew. We're still friends and I got over him. I'm genuinely happy for both of them now and I wish them the best. Some of my friends (CG included) were like, "How come you're so slow????" Yeah. Too little too late. Curse my shyness. I was trying to protect our friendship so much that I blew off my chances of ending up with him cause I actually thought that he'd make a good dad for my children, seriously. Oh well. I blew it off so I have to bear the consequences.
So yeah. Having feelings for friends really suck but being friends is actually a stepping stone to a relationship, like CG said.
So, I'm taking this opportunity to say:
I love you guys ^_^ !!!!!
Music time:
Song: We Could Happen
Artist: AJ Rafael
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Porn pictures in FB
Today in Facebook, I stumbled upon some nude pictures and guys kissing each other appearing in my news feed and under my friend's profile.
Yikes! I wonder what happened. I know my friends are not the type to spread porn pictures around. And, yeah. Porn pictures disturb me. They give me nightmares, like snakes.
It turns out that it's the hackers once again. Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?
Please lah. Stop hacking us. I'm out of ideas for my password already. Seriously, I can say for almost all Facebook users that we're too tired to handle this crap.
Facebook is getting messed up everyday. Friendships and relationships have been broken thanks to it. However, I had to admit, it also helps us to keep in touch with our friends and reunite us with people that we haven't seen in years.
What am I trying to say is that...
So, everybody. Please do not click on any suspicious link, but you can click on my link: http://doojoonitis.blogspot.com ^_^
Yikes! I wonder what happened. I know my friends are not the type to spread porn pictures around. And, yeah. Porn pictures disturb me. They give me nightmares, like snakes.
It turns out that it's the hackers once again. Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?
Please lah. Stop hacking us. I'm out of ideas for my password already. Seriously, I can say for almost all Facebook users that we're too tired to handle this crap.
Facebook is getting messed up everyday. Friendships and relationships have been broken thanks to it. However, I had to admit, it also helps us to keep in touch with our friends and reunite us with people that we haven't seen in years.
What am I trying to say is that...
So, everybody. Please do not click on any suspicious link, but you can click on my link: http://doojoonitis.blogspot.com ^_^
Saturday, 12 November 2011
[Spotlight] Alex Goot
Things, especially music has always being rated like this:
Now, it's rated like this:
Meet Alex Goot everybody. Image by Alex Goot Facebook Page
Alex is a one man band from Poughkeepsie, New York. Alex began messing around on the piano at age 5 when his parents bought a piano. He started to get serious about piano by the age of 12. Alex performed his first gig when he was only 15 years old. He began recording music in 2004 at the age of 16. Alex soon gained quite a following after posting his songs on his MySpace website. In early 2010, Alex began posting videos of his covers of popular modern pop songs, and occasionally videos of his original songs . His popularity has continued to soar each time he posts a new video. Today, his videos have been watched over 30 million times, and is now considered one of the top cover artists on YouTube.
Courtesy of #1 Alex Goot Fan Website
Here are some videos of him:
More Alex Goot:
Official site
#1 Alex Goot Fan Website
Now, it's rated like this:
Meet Alex Goot everybody. Image by Alex Goot Facebook Page
Alex is a one man band from Poughkeepsie, New York. Alex began messing around on the piano at age 5 when his parents bought a piano. He started to get serious about piano by the age of 12. Alex performed his first gig when he was only 15 years old. He began recording music in 2004 at the age of 16. Alex soon gained quite a following after posting his songs on his MySpace website. In early 2010, Alex began posting videos of his covers of popular modern pop songs, and occasionally videos of his original songs . His popularity has continued to soar each time he posts a new video. Today, his videos have been watched over 30 million times, and is now considered one of the top cover artists on YouTube.
Courtesy of #1 Alex Goot Fan Website
Here are some videos of him:
More Alex Goot:
Official site
#1 Alex Goot Fan Website
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Charlie McDonnell : Doctor What
Lyrics courtesy of Lyrics Mode
My girlfriend thinks that I'm a nutter,
My parents say that I'm an utter fool,
For wasting my time on this.
But I'm not chasing my imagination,
I just can't help avoid my fixation,
Cos I know that he really exists.
But if you look through time then you will find,
So many artefacts have been signed with clues,
All pointing his way.
And though he may have different faces,
I think it's him in all the cases,
The man is an enigma,
Who knows where he is today.
Just have a look at what I've found and see,
Am I going crazy or is he following me,
You can find his legacy sketched throughout,
Though the history books always tend to leave him out.
He's called the Doctor
But Doctor What?
I think he's a Martian though I know that that's a long shot
But Doctor When?
I'll check back to prehistoric times and there he is again
Well that's the Doctor
But Doctor How?
He saves the planet all the time but never stops to bow
Oh mister Doctor
But Doctor Who?
And most importantly Doctor, how can I find you?
He takes danger with him everywhere he goes
So if he does show up then we'll know
That something's not right
But I just can't help but think that I
Would make a good companion by his side
I'm pretty bright, always polite, oh Doctor take me up tonight.
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/c/charlie_mcdonnell/doctor_what.html ]
I know that I should get a grip
But I need to see inside his ship
And have him take me everywhere he gone.
Or at least I'd like to meet the guy
To shake his hand and say goodbye
And thank him for all he's done
You can't deny aliens must be real
Well is it that hard to believe that some might be revealed to look like us
Well I know it's just all speculation but I feel I must
Try to trust in what I feel
He's called the Doctor
But Doctor What?
I think he's a Martian though I know that that's a long shot
But Doctor When?
I'll check back to prehistoric times and there he is again
Well that's the Doctor
But Doctor How?
He saves the planet all the time but never stops to bow
Oh mister Doctor
But Doctor Who?
And most importantly Doctor, how can I find you?
I know to you I must look like some kind of Neanderthal
While you' re a flying cosmic genius and know-it-all
I'm just an insect, there's nothing I can do.
How could I expect that would ever meet you Doctor!
But Doctor What?
I think he's a Martian though I know that that's a long shot
But Doctor When?
I'll check back to prehistoric times and there he is again
Well that's the Doctor
But Doctor How?
He saves the planet all the time but never stops to bow
Oh mister Doctor
But Doctor Who?
And most importantly Doctor, how can I find you?
Words and music by Charlie McDonnell
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