
Sunday, 20 November 2011

Weddings, meddings, leddings, jeddings

Meet my second cousin, Nazree everybody

My parents have received loads of wedding invites lately. Must've been the season to get married huh. Well, we went to my second cousin, Nazree's wedding. His twin Nazreen got married 5 years ago and now it's his turn!!!! Yayness! I'm really happy for him since it's about time for him to get married though I feel that who am I to say that it's about whose time to get married. But, I'm happy for him nevertheless. We're not that close but we met for the first time in my grand-uncle's house(his grandfather) in 2005 and clicked ever since. I still remembered the time he gave some duit raya and I was wondering who was he and how did he know that I have 4 siblings. It turns out that he's my second cousin (yay!) and he likes to bully me (boo!). We were in a rush yesterday so we couldn't meet him and his wife and congratulate them in person, so I'm taking this opportunity to say...

Congratulations on your wedding cousin! May you have a blessed and happy life with you wife (and children) ^_^

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