
Friday, 16 March 2012

Budaya print screen (kau nak mengeji ke nak menyedarkan? part 2)

Hi, this is not Diyana blogging. This is Jason, her friend. Basically, this post is bound to offend (that's why she summoned me instead). It was this: she feels that she's too nice to post angry post on Blogger (but she has nooo problems whatsoever posting them on LJ). Apparently, she has a new phobia next to ophidiophobia (snakes) and guyphobia (boys) she has a new one: printscreenophobia. Printscreenphobia is refusal to post status, blogs or tweets fearing that some irresponsible idiots would print screen it thinking it's controversial and share it to the public hoping it will go viral.

She seemed to take it pretty hard. Sekejap post, sekejap delete. Sekejap post, sekejap delete. Kalau publish pun, private kan. Bukan dia tak percaya kawan dia, cuma dia tak nak orang print screen barang dia tanpa izin. Bagi dia, itu invasion of privacy.

1. Tapi, kalau dia set public, bukan ke dia patut expect benda tu akan jadi kat dia?

Bagi aku, benda ni simple. Kalau dia set public, maknanya dia cuma bagi korang tengok dan komen je. Kalau print screen, kau kena mintak izin. Dia expect yang kau akan tengok post dia. Itu saja. If anybody else want to see their post, they damn well go to her profile and view it. Dia tak expect kau print screen dan tunjuk kat dunia. You're just being redundant and she will suffer profile view loss (dia tak kisah pun siapa view profile dia, let alone berapa views dia dapat everyday).

2. Tapi, apa yang orang cakap tu tak patut lah!

You might be right but that doesn't justify your actions. If what he/she said was offensive/rude like you said and you really want to menyedarkan, kau patut drag diorang somewhere private and slow talk ngan diorang. Kalau nak guna keganasan pun, kau tampar muka tu cukuplah! Tu baru menyedarkan.

3. Tapi, orang lain kena ambik iktibar dari perkara ni!

Hahaha!!!!!! Hampir nak pecah perut aku gelak dengar statement ni. Kau cuba tengok komen diorang. Cuba tengok hate page dan wall post diorang. Kalau ada Twitter, try tengok dan baca. Kebanyakan komen pun bukannya baik sangat. Lagi teruk adalah. Mintak doa laknat lah, ugut bunuh/sembelih lah, ini lah itu lah. Menyedarkan ke? Nak bagi nasihat? Berhikmah ke tu? Tak! Mengeji tu adalah. Honey, tak tau ke kalau kau mengeji memang ke laut lah orang tu? #truestory

Bila orang tu mintak maaf, kau pertikaikan lah, kutuk lah. Kau nak diorang buat apa supaya kau tak kutuk diorang lagi? Bunuh diri? That doesn't sound so bad. Maybe they should kill themselves so you guys will stop harassing them. They don't deserve to be harassed by you guys! Your actions are just disgusting! You should be ashamed of yourself. You guys are cowards, okay. Cowards! If you really want to set them straight, you could've been upfront and told them straight. But nooooo!!!! You guys decided to print screen it for all to see. Don't you guys realize that you are also jeopardizing their safety (and sanity)? With all those doa laknat wishes and death threats can really drive someone up the wall.

Diyana tu pun satu. Coward jugak. Bab marah-memarahi kat Blogger ni, dia terus panggil aku. Yelah, aku tau aku selalu kutuk2 dan maki2 dia. Tapi, kalau aku yang buat camtu kat dia, memang dia akan fire balik. Entah kenapa dia tak boleh fire balik kat korang. I also don't know.

PS: Diyana pesan that the label 'malay' refers to language, not race.

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