
Saturday, 14 December 2013

The Man Behind the Mustache

Okay. Recently a lot of attention have been around this guy lately.

Meet Muhammad Azwan Mohd Nor aka Wak Doyok.

I have no idea why he uses the name Wak Doyok as his noms de guerre. You have have to ask him that. But there's something about him that makes me want to get to know him more. Yeah. I know that he's the co-founder of an online store called the Garment. Okay, the name of the store sounds vague. It only tells you that they sell clothes (duh!) but it makes me want to check it out and makes me wonder about stuff like what do they sell, is it available for girls, do they have attractive price range, do they have a membership program or something.

My sources (yeah, right) tell me that this 33-year-old fashion designer and entrepreneur is actually an engineering graduate from Germany (I like). He's been interested in fashion ever a boutique called Ben Sherman opened in Malaysia.

Personally, I think this guy is a freaking socialite. I mean, look at his Instagram profile! There are hundreds of photos of him in different events. There are photos of him everywhere! Makes me think, who the hell help him take his selfies. I need that person to help me take selfies (despite me not being a selfie taker). I wanna look good in photos too.

Anyway, jokes aside. I really want to get to know this guy. His rise to fame (?) is so sudden (or chambering life totally sucked my social life dry) that I find him enigmatic. I don't really just want to know Wak Doyok. I want to know the man behind Wak Doyok. The man behind the mustache. I want to get to know him as in personally. I don't want to know about how he came about being in the fashion industry. I can basically read it up on the net. I want to know what makes him choose fashion despite being an engineering grad. I want to know what drives him and what people around him said when he first started out. I want to get to know Muhammad Azwan bin Mohd Nor. And, I bet you guys want to get to know him too.

PS #1: He looks quite cute in that mustache and beard of his. It makes me want to speak English in a British accent and dress up like a 19th century British lady.

PS #2: I don't have a crush on him, okay. I still have Linsanity bug in me.

PS #3: Wang Lee Hom is married T-T Congrats, man!

PS #4: DO you think he can give me some fashion tips?

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