Quote from a friend:
"It is not destiny that determines love. It is choice. Our so – called destiny is a lie. Relationships last long not because they are destined to last long. Relationships last long because two brave persons made a choice to keep it, to fight for it and to work for it. Meanwhile, other relationships fail not because they are destined to fail. They failed because one of the two or both made a choice to give up."
What he said is true. From what I observed, things (the good ones lah) happen to people because they are brave enough to take the steps. Brave enough to get out of their comfort zone and venture out. Things fail because people didn't make any effort to succeed and work it out.
Aku bagi benda simple lah. Kau nak travel the world. Explore the other parts of the world other than your own backyard. Tapi, nak pergi kedai bawah rumah pun kau takut pasal ada berita pasal rising crime rates. Yes, the world is scary tapi itu tak bermaksud kau kena jadi misanthropic hikkikomori yang mempunyai masalah anxiety. Yes, you can read about it in the Internet and books but unless you put yourself out there, Internet dengan buku mana cukup bhai! Sama lah bila kau asyik contact dengan kawan kau secara online/text/phone calls. Ingat cukup? Mesti kau nak jumpa in person kan (melainkan orang tu kau tak nak jumpa lah)? Then, make an effort to jumpa lah! Kau tak boleh jumpa malam, so jumpa time siang ke. Tak kisah lah seminit ke sejam ke, asalkan jumpa. At least kau ada effort.
Yes, comfort zone is very comfortable. That's how comfort zone gets its name. Tapi, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Too much comfort can turn you into a spoiled, whiny, wimpy and limp person. Kau akan jadi malas, manja and a soft ass pussy! Bila susah sikit, kau crumble. Kau tak nak camtu kan? Kau kan fighter. Kau jenis yang kalau nak sesuatu, kau akan work it out to get it. So, be that person! Get out of that comfort zone and rough it out. Kau ingat kawan-kawan kau yang kerja kat Klang Valley ni. Kau ingat diorang senang ke? No! They actually had to leave their families in their hometown for better opportunities! They effing sacrificed their comfort for something that is worth it: career is one of it! Sebab kalau terlalu selesa, you ain't going anywhere.
So, message aku kepada kau dan kepada sesiapa yang tengah terasa now is go out there and savour life (tapi jangan hedonistic sangat okay). Make friends with strangers (tapi at the same time be careful), do something crazy (but legal) and... OMG! Keluar je lah! You have nothing to lose. Bila kau dah tua nanti, at least kau boleh bagitau anak-anak dan cucu-cucu kau about your adventures. Aku tau kau ada simpan bucket list somewhere. Kalau tak in writing, maybe in your mind. Just do it, man! Life is too short to be anxious.
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