
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Why I think playing hard to get is pointless

Since I'm a girl, people have always been giving me advice that I should not show to a guy that I like that I'm desperate for him and I must play hard to get. Needless to say, I've gotten so good at it that my play hard to get becomes play impossible to get and most of the time, play don't even want to get. You get my drift. That would have worked when I'm young, wild, broke and still in uni. Now that I'm still young, wild and have a job, I find playing hard to get is pointless. Here's why:

  • I am really pressed for time. I have work to do: research, opinions, cause papers and status updates to do. Plus,I have meetings to attend. By the time I'm done with those, I just want to rest and recharge so I can do more work.
  • I don't have the energy. I may not be old but hey, I need energy to do other stuff than burdening some dude who digs me just to show I'm desirable.
  • I'm not desirable. Okay, maybe some dudes dig me (I don't know who and it's best that I don't). It's just that I don't want guys to see me as something to compete for. That's creepy. I'm a lawyer-in-training, not a Victoria Secret Angel wannabe.
  • I don't know about you guys but playing hard to get sends a message that you're not serious. If you're really serious, you won't treat it like a game.
  • I'm tired. After I get back from work or stuff, I want to rest.
  • I have better things to do like work, sleep, watch TV, go shopping or hangout at mamak stalls eating parathas with curry.
  • If I want to be chased, I'll get a few people to dress up like zombies and chase me.
  • If I want thrill, I'd ride a roller coaster or go on a spontaneous trip to Kazakhstan.
  • If I have to choose between being stuck in Romania or playing hard to get, I'd choose being stuck in Romania anytime. And, I don't even speak Romanian.
  • I'm 25, not 22 when playing hard to get is actually fun.
  • I believe that if you want something, go get it. I mean, you don't pretend that you don't want a job that you've been wanting right? How dumb is that?
  • There are big differences between being straight and direct and plain old desperate. Being straight and direct is telling a guy/girl that you like him. Being desperate is threatening to kill his/her pet hamster if he/she don't like you back, or give up your virginity hoping they stay (they don't).
  • Replying a text promptly shows that you're efficient and you respect the sender. Purposely waiting for hours before replying a text is pretentious. (At least when I say that I left my phone in my handbag, it was ACTUALLY in my handbag)
  • If I don't like that guy, I'll just turn him down. End of story.
  • I want a serious relationship, not a game.
  • A blowoff is a blowoff.
  • While it's annoying that girls play hard to get, it is more annoying when guys do it. Seriously? What for?
  • It can backfire. The person might think you're not into them or if they see through your game, they'll drop you and say, "Fuck it! I'm too old for this crap."
  • I have plans and goals. Playing hard to get is not one of them.
  • Show to them you're desirable. Bitch please. No matter how hard you show to the world how desirable you are, a 25 year old beat up Proton Saga will always be more desirable than you.
  • I may not really know what I want but I know what I don't want. Playing hard to get.
  • I'm lazy. If you don't want to run, don't make them chase.

This is purely my personal opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone. If I do, sorry. Not sorry! Yes, I sound like a total snob. Yes, I sound as if I'm constantly busy without thinking other people are not. The truth is, I know that there are other people more tired and busier than me. I'm not just going to ignore my feelings just because there are people out there who somehow feels more tired and busier than me. It's not going to make me feel less tired. It just makes me feel that I'm nothing and my feelings don't matter. No offence, I don't really want to live in resentment.

I don't care about what people said about making a guy put in more effort just to get me. Come on, think about it. One simple text might take three days just to compose and send. Aku nak call hospital untuk set up appointment pun ambik masa hanya untuk call. It's excruciating to make the first move and I'm not talking about love alone. About anything lah. Nak hantar resume untuk mintak kerja pun takes effort and courage. Bukan senang nak buat. I mean, orang penat-penat bagitau feelings dia kat kau, kau pulak konon nak tunjuk ramai nak kat kau dan kau tak desperate, kau mulalah play hard to get bagai such as ambik masa berjam-jam untuk reply text. Kalau betul-betul tak sudi, takpe lah jugak. Kalau sudi tapi sengaja nak bagi dia keluar effort lebih, baik tak payah lah. Love and relationship for me is not a game. I don't main tarik tali or chase around. I treat it like work and being in a relationship requires teamwork and commitment. And, it's a two-way effort. Kalau aku jadi lelaki and aku tengok perempuan tu macam nak-tak nak je, aku angkat kaki. I'll find someone who appreciates me more. Fikir-fikir lah balil, sama-sama manusia. Sama-sama ada feelings and limitations. You're scared, we get it. So are they.